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A vital part of pharmaceutical drug administration is understanding how effectively each tablet or capsule is being utilized in the body. Dissolution Services offered here at Excite Pharma Services provide the data needed to effectively gauge a consistent rate of absorption for verification and labeling purposes.

Per standard, our dissolution baths contain mildly acidic fluid mimicking those that reside within the stomach cavity. When the tablet or capsule is dropped into the bath, rotations proceed to simulate stomach movement for a more accurate method of testing. Absorption levels are tested at various points over a pre-elected period of time to verify what percentage of the drug is being dissolved on a timed scale.

Our dissolution services are a great tool for gauging drugs marketed for both immediate release (>80% absorption in <30 minutes) and extended release applications.

Many customers may be working with manufacturers that do not offer dissolution services in house. As a vital part of the process, this form of verification must then be outsourced – this is where we come in to offer a quick and efficient solution.

As a more intimate operation, we have the ability to offer a quicker turnaround than many other service providers, along with a more personalized interaction. With the proper back end operations in place prior to submission, we have the ability to offer project completion from start to finish in less than 30 days time on many occasions – an aspect that far exceeds much of the industry standard.

Whether you’re in the process of confirming a new drug, or confirming the redundant effectiveness of a pre-established drug you’ve stored in large quantities for an extended period of time, we are happy to assist with all of your dissolution needs. Our team is ready to apply our knowledge of dissolution and help you through the process in any way necessary.